The Master Has Come And Calls For You

The Master Has Come And Calls For You

Jesus asked Martha Where is Mary? Just this sentence is really thought-provoking.

“After she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary aside. “The Teacher is here,” she said, “and is asking for you.”

Can you just imagine Jesus standing at your Door and asking for you? What was it in the Life of Mary that had Jesus ask for her?

Peter, the disciple, began to speak to Jesus and said, “Jesus, we’ve given up everything to follow You.”

“Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come, that person will have eternal life. But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.

Dear friend, you may not be rich or great in the eyes of the world, or score high in the popularity tests, but don’t you ever forget the eyes of Jesus are in every detail of your life. Every little thing you do to the least of men, you are doing it unto Him.

Did He not say, when I was in prison you clothed me, when I was sick you came for me, and did He not watch a poor woman give the little she had in the offering basket? Did He not admire her, for He said that she gave more than many of the rich people around.

You may be an outcast, poor, and feel out of the loop, but to God you are never an outcast. He holds His hands out to you like the most loving Father, like the father did for his lost son that came back.

You may be facing many troubles and tribulations, and you feel terrible, but in your situation, there is good news. Mary was the one that wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair — she loved Jesus but later Lazarus, the brother, died and Mary was broken and hurt — so broken and hurt that she did not go to meet Jesus when He came back, but Martha did go to meet Him. When Martha got back from the presence of Jesus, she said to Mary, “He calls your name. The Master has come, and is calling for thee.” As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto Him.

Do you hear the voice of Jesus calling you? If you hear Him, do you go out of your house to meet with Him? Mary loved Jesus so much that she wiped His feet with her hair, yet she stayed in her house hurt — until she heard He was calling her by name. You may have loved God so much that you have sat in His presence, never wanting to leave. Then when the worry of the world comes, and you may be in the same situation as Mary — too busy with life’s problems, too busy to take the time out of your schedule to be with Jesus.

Whatever the situations is, “The Master has come and calls for you!”

Come again to the cross.

Come again into the love of Jesus.

Come again to the Church of God.

Come again to sit at the feet of Jesus to Worship.

It’s time to leave the bitterness, hurt, and pain, and allow the Lord to raise you up, just as He did to Lazarus. Do like Mary did — arise quickly from where you are and run to Jesus. Run to Jesus. He is awesome. I love Him. He is my Lord, and I pray you get to know Him in a deeper way today!


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