Reflect On What God Says

Reflect On What God Says

In our fast-paced world,  sitting down with God and giving ourselves time to listen, think and process life, will help us bypass unnecessary hindrances.

Take a time today to reflect on what God has said to you over the years, and make course corrections to get back on track.

We can not expect a different outcome when playing the same moves and taking the same steps.

Thomas Edison did not try the same 1000 ways to create a light bulb. He knew with each mistake that he had to try something else.

If we do the same things week after week, and never take new steps of faith or steps to grow, we will be in the same situation in 10 years.

People ask for prayers all the time and for God to change their lives and help, help, help. But if God is talking to you and telling you to take a right turn and you keep turning left you will circle the mountain endlessly until you listen to what God is saying.

It is not always easy to turn and take a different path. Some have been walking the same circle for so long that it has formed a deep channel and path in the ground.  You might need a helping hand to get out.

Shift your life by taking new steps and by connecting to new people!

Jesus said

Follow me.

Elijah said

Follow me.

Are you walking in circles or following Jesus?

Walking with Jesus is not going to church on Sundays and bible study on Tuesdays. Walking with Jesus is continuing to write the book of Acts with your own life!


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