Prophets Are God’s Gift

Prophets Are God’s Gift

The life of a prophet, not everything is about personal prophecy even though many are trained and called to start from there.

Nor is everything a prophet does about doing prophecy.

Prophets are God’s gift and they can have very differant ministries and callings within the prophetic call. Actually, no two prophets are alike.

We can have primarily focused prophetic gifts in: Prayer and Intercession, teaching, writing, Encouragement, equipping, exhorting, or even prophetic songs, personal prophecy, prophetic action. and many more.

Now here is a thing we need to understand, it is not our duty to train people into duplicates of ourselves. But help people find who they are called to be. We cant take an orange and tell it to be an apple. We need to help the orange be as good and juicy and nutrition as possible so that people desire to buy the fruit. Orange will never be a good apple.

Its the same with the prophetic I have sat under many different prophetic gifts in the body of Christ last 25 years and then I receive from them take it into my heart process and work with it and that is one of the things that influence my life and help me become who God called me to be. I Have the understanding that I am who I am and that I will never be someone else.

Every prophet and the people of God have nuggets of truths and revelation to give to us. We can with wisdom and discernment take what others have to give and apply it into our lives.

No prophet is perfect all ministers are people like you and me, we all have issues and regular life issues to deal with. We do not lift up ministers to unhealthy idols. But at the same time, we need to understand they are God’s voice and gift to us to lead and guide us what God is speaking in these times and seasons.


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