When it all comes down to the bare facts, it is our own responsibility to fan into flame the fire of God within us. It is not the job of the Pastor or five-fold Ministry to keep our spiritual life burning.
We may have been mistreated, rejected, not recognized, wrongly judged, our needs not met, or every other excuse there is under the sun. The responsibility is still our own to seek the Lord and keep our own heart pure and burning with hunger to know Him.
If you put all your trust and hope on other people to keep you afloat, you will fail. Build strong faith that stands the tide and winds. Build faith that lives inside the core of your being and does not shake or turn with the wind raging.
It is time for some of us to repent and come back to God!
It is time to stop blaming people for where you are located and take responsibility for your own decisions.
Get back to walking with God!