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Seasons In Our Calling Plans And Purposes

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We need to understand that all of us go through seasons and we have different callings, plans, and purposes.
Those that have an apostolic call and are in the building gear moving forward in a fast pace may not have time to wipe your tears – but instead will shout to you.. Come follow me.. everything going to be ok We are going out of this season.

I will never forget when I was a young Christian and reaching out and trying to get help and personal input somewhere as I did not have any in my nation at that time that had what I was looking for. When I heard Pastor Mark say to me. Sit under and listen to my preaching for 6 months and if you still need my input we can talk.

I sat under this man of God for 6 months chewing the words and allowing them to impact my life. and in these 6 months my life started to change and my mindset from victim to victory. From prison to FREEDOM.

You have to “get it” The kingdom of God is a voice-activated kingdom. Is not my word like a fire and a hammer that shatters the rock.

When you listen to the words of God spoken into your life and spirit it does have a life-changing effect on you.

Sit under the preaching of the word regularly and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you and heal you. When you do you are like the clay in the potter’s hand. the words were spoken become like the hands of the clay maker moving and shaping the clay into his beautiful original design.

I know there are people in this group that really try to reach out to me and ask me to prophecy and speak into their lives. I get calls in the middle of the night sometimes just people asking for ministry not thinking about the time difference between nations.

I want to say to you, I do put quite an amount of Free teaching in this group and what if “that is actually prophetic for you”

Have you thought about that those walking in the office of the prophet are the gift and their lives can be the message so – what they are releasing, teaching and saying can actually be what God is sharing through their messages.

The kingdom of God is also a huge net of Connections. some years ago God showed me in a dream where I was sitting on a chair and sowing a net together. making every knot and every knot was a connection point. I was praying and sowing and “healing” the net.

Just being connected is more important than you can realise. just like the fact that you are in this group with multiple people. God can actually use words on these pages to speak into your life and help you. You may just be browsing when something jumps at you and your heart lifts and you just feel there is something you are drawn to.. Why the nudges of God do not always come with flashing police lights but gentle nudges of love and compassion. See here.. Listen, read, reach out. I am trying to speak to you.. are you hungry? would you like more? I think God often just gives us one bite of the steak to keep us focused and so that we know what we are invited into. Do you want it really want it?

Be sensitive and listen to the nudges of the spirit when you are reading or listening to something.
Is your spirit quickened?
There is a reason God is trying to call your number!

Samuel, Samuel Samuel… Here I am Lord Speak to me.

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