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God Using Us In Different Ways

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God has a way in using all of us in different ways.

For those of you that feel you arent able to talk or communicate enough. Stand in a pulpit, preach, sing or minister as others are. Let me tell you this You can hit the bullseye and speak directly to the heart of those around you. Genuine ministry is not about crowds its about the person standing in front of you or the person you are having lunch with. When you read about Jesus he cared for the ONE. He spoke to the woman at the well. He raised up Lazarus, he healed the man at Bethesda.

You are the voice of Hope in the wilderness. Maybe you are the only voice of hope into the lives of those around you. Listen and partner with God in the message of HOPE to the world. Every one of us starts somewhere.

Moses stuttered, he still became one of the biggest prophets in History he grew to know God.

All through out the scriptures we see God is not after the strength of men. God can give to men whatever he pleases. God is after your heart and the heart of those around you. Are you willing to help and be the voice God needs in these times?

Draw closer to God, pray and seek who you are going to meet and how you can encourage and be a voice of hope to those you connect to. You will be amazed when you start how quickly you grow in this if you read Gods word and then share the good news of Hope and redemption.

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