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Add Faith To The Words Of Scripture

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There are a lot of words in the scriptures, many that are lifechanging – but if you do not partner with them and add your faith to them they will just continue to be words on a page.

Sometimes people ask… Why is this person “this and that” while I am ” something else and worse” Why, why why. The harsh truth is that all of us will face all sorts of obstacles and mountains and deep valleys in life. Even the greatest heroes and women and men of God in the Bible went through life’s greatest battles. But what they had in common is that they stirred up their faith, listened to God speak life to them, hope and encouragement and then went ahead and plowed forward in faith empowered by God.

The question is not “why others and not you” The question is why you do not stir up your faith to take down the mountain. Become an Overcomer. shift perspective from a victim to a victorious mindset!

Be who God called you to be. the head and not the tail.

Leaders find new ways to make things work and think in solutions. There is always a way trough, under, around or over. Dont let our perspective stop you from reaching where you desire to Go!

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